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Setting to Connect to IP address instead of Destination
Hello all,

We use workstations that are not connected to same domain as servers we access, and therefore can not resolve the server names. 

I have yet to find an option to Connect to "IP address" instead of "Destination" as default. 

Yes, we can right click a connection and "Connect with ...." as a work around to being able to just double click the connection.
Yes, we could set the destination data to the IP address (which is what we currently do with connections we manually make).
Yes, we could manually update our local host file each and every time a new server comes online. ;-)

However, when you make a VMWare connection and sync all the servers, the Destination data is the server name which can not be resolve my our workstations. (Update: When making the VMWare connection, choosing IPv4 for Name field under Field Mapping, will put the IPv4 address in the Destination data.)

If I am missing this option somewhere, please let me know.
If this is not an option, lets get it added. :-)
Still would like an option in settings to use "IP address" instead of "Destination".
Yes it is planned to configure the action for "DoubleClick" an item - so it will be added :-)
I don't know if there's an option to connect to an IP address instead of a destination by default, but I think it's a great idea to have that added. It would save so much time and effort in the long run. On another note, have you ever logged into your router settings? I recently found out about, which is a website that helps you easily access your router settings. It's been really useful for me in managing my network.
You can configure it at folder level - and in Settings you can configure how to connect on double click

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