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User with name x and SID x no access to login

We have ASG 2020. Access is granted based on AD group. 
It works for all users (I added test user and it also started to work). However, I am adding another user and it just does not work for him.
All users are comes from one group, one domain, login using windows account.

He gets error: User with name x and SID x no access to login

I saw some hints, e.g.: DELETE FROM ItemProperties WHERE ItemId = '1BF121C1-EFC4-4851-9407-D652D3B7C5BF' and UserId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and RolePropertyId = '2924F6D4-8AB0-4EA4-8FE7-1BB078EC86B7' 
I need to be sure what it does and that it won't impact current uses if I supoose to run it.

Maybe there is other way to solve it?
It can take some time until a new assignment is working - the SQL statement has nothing to do with your issue - so you shouldn't run it...

If the group assignment is not working - try to assign the user directly to a security group inside ASGRD...
Shouldn't access be granted based on AD group? It is against rules, good practice to grant access directly to a single user. This is only solution - just do it in inappropriate way...?
But you should test it to see if it works then... There must be any difference if all yours users can work with assigned group but only one not...

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