Also i would highly recommend storing the json data encrypted in the user database and not unencrypted on disk - especially the default location of Documents gets saved to OneDrive - so plain text access tokens to the Keeper Secrets Manager is stored unencrypted locally and on OneDrive to "lazy" users.
Oh and by command line sync i meant the command line from ASG:
"C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2022 (X64)\ASGRD.exe" /syncaction:Keeper /syncid:44f...30 "/syncoutput:c:\temp\sync.txt" "/instance:..." "/loginusername:florian" "/loginpassword:*pwd*" /loginsubmit
Oh and by command line sync i meant the command line from ASG:
"C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2022 (X64)\ASGRD.exe" /syncaction:Keeper /syncid:44f...30 "/syncoutput:c:\temp\sync.txt" "/instance:..." "/loginusername:florian" "/loginpassword:*pwd*" /loginsubmit