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Some fealds in "find" don't show sometimes.
if i search for a server or a credential in find i get a table with the folowing titles.

name, description, Path, type, destination, ip adress, username custom1,custom2, custom3 
in that order.

When i search for "redhat" i get 3 hits and the folowing titles are populated with data.
name, desciption, path, type

I know that theese credential objects contain usernames but its not shown.

If i change "search in" from "Name" to "Username" and change back something happens.

the data is changed the following fealds are populated with data:
Name, Description, type, Username.

so i can now see the username but not the path.

if i now press the reload button both "path" and "username" is missing. 

If i change "search in" from "Name" to "Username" and change back again i get the username back but not the path.


version 13.0.6888.1
That should be already fixed in the latest patch - please update and try again...

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