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ASG 2019 to Windows Sever 2019 - RSA prompt to non RSA host... bug? Workaround?

We run ASG 2019 from our jump host. This jump hosts use RSA to authenticate. From this host, I can use normal windows RDP (mstsc) or mRemoteMG to a Windows 2019 server that does not use RSA without issue. When connecting using ASG to the same 2019 box, it brings up an RSA login prompt rather than a normal windows login. No matter what connection settings / config change I attempt to make, it always brings this up because the host we are using it on uses RSA to auth but the destination box does not... yet it brings up an RSA login. This appears to be some bug or issue with ASG 2019. This doesnt happen with 2012 R2 machines. 

Is there a patch / workaround to resolve the issue? My company is likely stuck on 2019 and can't upgrade so that can't be an answer - unless it is THE only answer. Is there a patch / workaround for ASG 2019 to fix this issue?
Never heard before - and it really sounds like there is some configuration that causes the issue - if there are the same connection properties why should it work differently?!? We just use mstsc-ActiveX for RDP-Connection! Please try to create a simple new RDP-Connection - check all RDP-Properties or import just a RDP file for testing.

And if it would be really a bug - we never patch/fix in older versions - any update will be only available in new 2021 version

But I really can't believe that is really a bug - must be a configuration issue!

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