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ASG RD 2020 - Pleasant Keepass Server Integration
Hello everyone,

We've recently tried to used the Integration of ASG with Keepass Pleasant Solution.
What worked
- Connect to Pleasant Server
- Sync Credentials from the server

What didn't worked
- Connecting using credentials from the synced folder.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-01-14-125010.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-01-14-125037.jpg]

Short description
We've created some test connections and set the Credentials to point to one of the entry synchronized from the Pleasant Server
When trying to connect it didn't used the pointed credentials, but instead the one from the Working Profile.

Currently the ASG RD environment is in test phase and we're planning to deploy for enterprise use, but we first needs to ensure that all needed features are working as expected.
Hi - if you enable a "Working Profile" and activate the Credentials section there - it will override the configured setting of any connection! Working profile could be used for working from home and your office - and perhaps from you need RD-Gateway or have other monitor resolution - so that makes sense to configure in a Working Profile and override the configured values! So please try to don't use a working profile or to ensure that the "Credentials" section is not activated in your Working Profile

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