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ASG remote no option to create credentials
Howdy Folks,

I have multiple TS jumpboxes that have ASG remote 2020 as a tabbed RDP manager for various admin functions.

The profiles and settings for my users are stored off on a SQL server for context (Environment Manager) and I cannot right click the credentials tab and create new credentials.

However when I make a new environment manager file and use that locally instead of the profile server, I can make and save credentials to my hearts content.

The SQL server part of this was setup by a guy who is no longer with our company, and this service has been given to me to support.

I was wondering if there was anything I should try re SQL databases and or options ticking / unticking to make saving credentials work? 

- Kind Regards, Defo
I guess you have Permissions activated and your user is not an Administrator! You can see it via Tools=>Assigned Security Groups - I can send you SQL statement to disable security - and if you re-activate it your user will be automatically assigned as Administrator

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