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PAM Secrets With Comments Unable to Use
Could you please ensure you are using REST-API - in Settings=>Delinea Secret Server - and use the URL like I posted before - I think I have tested with both API's but would be a try to test it with REST-API

I have created in my test environment a folder with highest security template - and I can read this folder and secrets inside this folder now - the secrets are restricted, we check that and do not read the content of these items anymore unless you are checking them out - The restricted secrets are marked with new red image - and then you can "check out" these secrets and use it afterwards

You can only sync these restricted secrets with option "Only sync object names" - else it would check-out the secret by first read

Messages In This Thread
RE: PAM Secrets With Comments Unable to Use - by DevOma - 04-04-2024, 02:28 PM

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