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Color of Tabs sometimes identical/similar
it quite often happens that 2 tabs of connected hosts show identical/similar colors of the tab. So the menu bar below the tab title also shows the tab color which makes it difficult to clearly indicate which server is the acitve one.

would you mind to add code so that the same/similar color is only reused if there are no more different colors available or code to never use similar colors in tab and title bar


We try to prevent that in future...
(18-07-2024, 12:08 PM)DevOma Wrote: We try to prevent that in future...

unfortunately even in Version 17.0.2889.1 I see identical / very similar colors of tabs for different Hosts - see attachment 

and Patch 5 had a comment in Fixes: 'Random color of connection tabs - prevent of duplicate colors improved'

But I know, you are doing your best

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We have a list of colors that we use for tab colorization - and now it tries to use every color once before using a color the second time - don't know how many tabs you are using - but it should try to use each color before using duplicate colors
I had 3 tabs open when screenshot was done.

Rocket Remote Desktop had been launched some minutes before.

The 3 tabs where opened within 5 seconds, possibly less.

A new Test after a restart of Rocket Remote Desktop showed the 5th tab with identical color to the 2nd tab but opening of 4th and 5th tab was about 3 minutes after 1st to 3rd tab. And 8th tab is identical to 4th but 5th to 7th and 9th and 13th tab have new different colours to all others but 11th tab is similar (not identical) to 8th and 4th

see attachment

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I'm sorry - checked it again and found the error in code - should be fixed in next Patch!

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