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[SOLVED] Full screen actually is full screnn (G)

The feature I like most with vRD 2009, is that it's fullscreen does not hide the Taskbar.
But that does 2010. Is there a way to change that?

/Lars Mortensen
No, sorry, many customers wish that the taskbar would be hide as it is in mstsc - so we changed this in vRD 2010.
Damn, then no upgrade to me... Sad

There isn't any reg/conf hack for chaning that?

Else I must see if I can live with running in tabs.
No hack available - I can add it to the options for the next release
DevOma Wrote:No hack available - I can add it to the options for the next release

That would be nice.
When is/what is next release? Is it vRD2011 or is it an update to 2010
And do you have an estimate ? 1 month og 1 Year?

MS announced RDP 7.0 to be released in Oct/Nov 2009 - I think a few weeks after that we will provide a new version of vRD 2010.

Ok, thanks.
Now while I wait Smile I use tabs.

To have the biggest screen available I Collapse the "Remote Desktop".
But when I open the window and right click to e.g. "Connect as" or "Connect With options" and clicks on the e.g. "No credentials" the window just hides again and nothing happens?

EDIT: If I press "up" or "down" on the keyboard, while keeping the mouse on "Connect as", i can select the desired option, and the press "Enter" on the keyboard and it does what it should.

This behavior is identical on both a Server 2003 and Windows 7 x64 RTM

Should I post this in a thread of its own?

/Lars M
I know what you mean I try to explain it to you Wink

The treeview-window that is expanded can handle right click mouse events in the context menu only if the click is in the visible area of the underlying window - so try to customize the window size of the treeview so the context menu appears over the treeview and try it again - it should work then.

This is a known issue of the used control.
Ok, thank you for now. Smile


Here's another user who's been using vRD for several years now!

I also was quite puzzled when I found that the local taskbar had disappeared in vRD 2010, and already pondered downgrading again, before I found this forum post here.

I strongly suggest and hereby request that the local taskbar - configurable, to satisfy those customers who wanted it gone - be added again in the next version!

Same goes for a friend of mine who's also been using vRD for a long time and who told me that he'd definitely not upgrade to 2010 if that option isn't added (I can quite understand him...).

Thanks in advance and thumbs up for the very useful tool!

Kind regards,

Frank Z.
Just implemented for the next version - will be optional to hide or show the local taskbar...
DevOma Wrote:Just implemented for the next version - will be optional to hide or show the local taskbar...

<3, Any approximately ETA?

No, not yet
DevOma Wrote:Just implemented for the next version - will be optional to hide or show the local taskbar...

Great, thanks a plenty! Smile
DevOma Wrote:Just implemented for the next version - will be optional to hide or show the local taskbar...

Not to be too irritating, but I keep dragging the tab out of place so it opens in a window.
Could I get an private beta Smile Rolleyes
Or can it be turned off?

/Lars Mortensen
No beta at the moment - you have to wait
Any aprox. date for next release?
Q1 2010.
A colleague recommended this program for my team late last year mainly because of this feature (he hasn't upgraded from 2009 because it is missing). I test drove the software decemberish and think that if this were implemented that it would be a very useful piece of software for us.

At that time I looked on the forum and saw that it was going to come back in the next version so I figured that I would give it a little time and try it out then. Now we come to today and the feature that appears to have been removed without any input from your users still hasn't been added back in nearly half a year after it was reported.

To be honest, this kind of poor customer service is really making me rethink if I want to purchase licenses for my team even when it is implemented. I just wanted to make sure that you are aware of the kind of message situations like this send. When the new version comes out I will give it an honest test again because it appears to be a great tool, but this will play a factor in our decision to purchase or not.

according my colleague we implemented the full screen mode for RDP in the same manner like it is done with the normal RDP client, thinking that so most users feel more comfortable as they know how it will look like.
This was the only reason.

So I do not understand why you call that "poor customer sevice". From my point of view the way we act right know and we did in the past is quite the opposite to that. We always listen to the users coming up with their ideas, wishes and at last feature requests - trying hard to implement that in the release of the software.
If you do have a bad feeling it is up to us to aplogize for the inconvenience caused hoping that you give us another try and hopefully you will be convinced with the new version. Because in that version you have the possibility to adjust the full screen mode as you like, means with or without having the local taskbar displayed.

But you can support us in the official beta test for the new version tin order to give us straight feedback.
If you like to, please send me an email or an private message.


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