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Dropdown with last connections
It would be handy with a dropdown box in the toolbar displaying the X number of latest connections made - or maybe rather a list of the X number of connections that was latest disconnected from.

In this way you can quickly connect to frequently used connections - especially those you have disconnected from and need to connect to again, without having to navigate what might be a complex tree structure.
Hi Nicolaj,

this is exactly what is recently available with the connection history right beneath "Administration".
Did you already check it?

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the info!

Yes the feature actually exists in the Connection History (which is very extensive) and this is great, but the list can be a bit overwhelming and is not "quickly accessible" as it would be with a dropdown in the toolbar (like the Connections dropdown).

A feature to consider would be to add the top N entries (number configurable in Settings) from the Connection History (of either connect or disconnect actions - configurable in Settings which to select) to a dropdown in the toolbar. This would make the most recent information from your Connection History very quick to access.

I know it might seem cumbersome - but when working with many connections and servers all the time, a few extra-clicks mouse actually means a lot (case of point, I have never used the Connection History for this, because of these extra clicks, it's often quicker to find them in Connections - but it would even more quicker to have the recent entries in a dropdown :-))
Hi, check out the post about Connection History (in reference to use it as proposed above by Thomas).

From referenced post:

The dropdown in the feature suggestion should just be a Recent Connection list, so clicking a recent connection in the list, will connect with the default credentials. Possible with the option of right-clicking and getting the same context menu as in the Remote Desktop treeview, so you can connect to a recent reconnection with other credentials.

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