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[SOLVED] "Lock" tabs so they don't detach? (G)
Hello, when we are using VRD the tabs have a tendancy to 'detach' from the tool bar when clicking back and forth between tabs. Is there any way I can disable this? The issue becomes very apparent when using the program via Remote Apps. You literaly have click and hold your mouse still or the tab will always detach.

Hi Weston,

I am a bit surprised, because the tabs will only be undocked, if you just double click on the title of a tab. If you only switch between the tabs you should not come to the situation, that the tab will be undocked.

At the moment it is not possible to deactivate that behavior.

Hi Thomas, the tabs definatly detach if you click and hold and then move the mouse. The issue is when using the program inside any sort of remote connection, the regular mouse click tends to act as a click and hold which effectively makes the tabs detach often when switching. Myself and a couple other people are experiencing this issue so I do know it's not just something affecting me. Any input on how to disable or change this behavior would be great.

Hi Weston,

as mentioned before, this behavior cannot be chaneged at the moment.
I will put it on the feature list, so that we can think about it for next version.

One more question on how do you like this feature - one general option "Don't detach tabs" - so all connections that are created within a tab can be docked to any side of the environment but cannot be undocked to a single window - would this be ok for you?
DevOma Wrote:One more question on how do you like this feature - one general option "Don't detach tabs" - so all connections that are created within a tab can be docked to any side of the environment but cannot be undocked to a single window - would this be ok for you?


I also have the same problem only when I rdp to my pc running Vrd 2010. when I change tabs and move my mouse away from tab to soon after changing to new tab then it always detaches. It is possibly a timing thing which may be able to be fixed. As an alternative having a general option to disable docking or detaching would be another solution. Allowing docking but disabling detaching would still have the same issue as we always see the docking arrows if we are to quick to move the mouse from the tab. Hope that helps


I would like to confirm this issue, and add to the request.
It makes vRD extremely frustrating to use over an RDP session.

Please can this be included in the next release?

Hi everybody,

fortunately we could manage to implement the possibility to deactivate that behavior in the upcoming version.
The version will be released by beginnig of Q2.

I concure... I am a sysadmin and work exclusively off a virtual desktop nowand VRD, as awesome as it is, is really starting to annoy with the tabs constantly detaching. Sad

I very much look forward to the ability to disable that functionality.

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