Keyboard shortcuts to move between tabs would be helpful for us SysAdmins who don't like using a mouse.
Other features worth considering for future releases:
Automatic grouping of multiple TAB windows (floating) to provide separation between systems based on folder in tree. i.e. I manage 5 different systems consisting of many servers each. The ability to group tabs into separate windows based on their folder in the tree view would provide a logical separation which could be easily switched to using alt+tab. Combined with the above shortcut this would definately improve my efficiency. Manually managing different windows by dragging & dropping tabs can be a little tedious.
Automatic switching between tabs in a window based on a timer setting. When viewing the output from multiple server screens this would be useful and help keep the screen uncluttered.
Other features worth considering for future releases:
Automatic grouping of multiple TAB windows (floating) to provide separation between systems based on folder in tree. i.e. I manage 5 different systems consisting of many servers each. The ability to group tabs into separate windows based on their folder in the tree view would provide a logical separation which could be easily switched to using alt+tab. Combined with the above shortcut this would definately improve my efficiency. Manually managing different windows by dragging & dropping tabs can be a little tedious.
Automatic switching between tabs in a window based on a timer setting. When viewing the output from multiple server screens this would be useful and help keep the screen uncluttered.