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Password store
I now have a rather large collection of credential information inside vRD210. I'm aware aware of the limitations of my skull, so once in a while a forget a password. Currently a string of asterisks characters * is shown if you go the properties of a credential.
It would be handy if you could reveal the password part from a credential, maybe protected by the master password, for instance using a checkbox.
Or is there a way to do that alrerady?

recently this is not possible.

And to be honest I hesitate a bit to have that as feature, but I will discuss with my colleagues.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your response.

Thomas Hertwig Wrote:And to be honest I hesitate a bit to have that as feature,

I understand your reaction, since it's about a secure feeling, isn't it? Or do you hesitate for another reason?
My opinion is, if you're entitled to use the credentials, you're probably entitled to see the password (don't know if that fits your strategy). Protection by using the master credentials is advisable.

Hope to hear from you or your colleagues...

It is necessary to be able to see the passwords. We're having some problems with our pilot of vRD for a couple of reasons...

Windows: connecting to a Windows server using public credentials - the connection is ok but then if the screensaver locks the screen, the operator doesn't know what the password is to unlock it.

Routers: The passthrough of credentials to telnet sessions doesn't work. This is partially a limitation of pUTTY but it is a problem for our operators who have to refer to another system to know the username and password. Better to have it visible in the program.

I think it would be easy to allow visibility of assigned credentials through the permissions model so it could be a customer choice whether to implement this feature.
I'm evaluating vRD2011 at the moment and in fact I'm missing the hide/show button of the credentials password (as in keepass ). Why is this important to us, well in (disaster) situations where it's for some reason impossible to connect, the user still can type in his userid and password at the console of the device. Is there a chance this feature will be available in the near future?

Best regards,
geertdo Wrote:I now have a rather large collection of credential information inside vRD210. I'm aware aware of the limitations of my skull, so once in a while a forget a password. Currently a string of asterisks characters * is shown if you go the properties of a credential.
It would be handy if you could reveal the password part from a credential, maybe protected by the master password, for instance using a checkbox.
Or is there a way to do that alrerady?

It's not exactly elegant, but I made an external app called Copy Password for this very reason. It can't be run on the credential itself, rather on any connection linked to the credential.

file name: cmd
Arguments: /c echo %Password%| clip
I got some inspiration from manonstreet
Still not elegant. But if ASG dont find soulutions in 8 years you have to do it yourself.. Smile
i think it should be up to the admin to decide if the securitygroup is permitted to see the password.

Create a .PS1 file with folowing lines

#change paths to match your setup..
[b]cd "C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2020 (X64)" 
$workingdir = "C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2020 (X64)"
Set-Location $workingdir
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem

[reflection.assembly]::loadFrom('C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2020 (X64)\ASGRD-PSAPI.dll') | import-module
Connect-RDEnvironment -Environment ASGRD_2020 -InternalUser -PassThrough
$ID = read-host "Enter ID"
Get-RDPropertiesCredential -ItemId $ID | select Username, Domain , Password | ft
Start-Sleep 20

[b]Create a external application:[/b]
[b](for x64 powershell/ASG)[/b]
[b]-file "G:\path\to\psfile\Get-Password.ps1"[/b]
its is now possible to view passwords as cleartext if you enable that feature! Smile

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