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Samples for External Applications
Dear all,

please feel free to just put in here your favourite external apps you are using in visionapp Remote Desktop 2010.
<B>NOTE: The Post title always shall begin with <I>[EXT. APP]</I> followed by a self-explanatory <I>name</I> of the external application (for instance "[EXT. APP] Computer management").</B>

<B><U><I>Preferably</I></U></B> just attach the according <B><FONT COLOR="RED">*.vra</FONT></B> file, which you can create when exporting the external app in vRD.

<B><U><I>Alternatively</I></U></B> you can provide the information stored in the properties of the external app. in vRD:

<B>Display name:</B> Name of the external application, shown in the vRD treeview
<B>File name:</B> Path to the app's executable
<B>Arguments:</B> Optional conditions with variables relating to the connection object
<B>Wait for exit:</B> YES/NO -> If set to YES, the connection is established only when the external application has fully started
<B>Try to integrate:</B> YES/NO -> If set to YES, the external app should be shown in vRD as its own tab
<I>If YES, provide also values for min. and max. wait time.</I>

<b>[EXT. APP] Computer Management</b>

As Microsoft Mangement Console (MMC)

Attached Files
.vra   Computermanagement.vra (Size: 1.71 KB / Downloads: 4,698)

<b>[EXT. APP] Command Line Package</b>

Provides multiple utilities for the daily admin work like Ping, etc.

Attached Files
.vra   CmdTools.vra (Size: 9.92 KB / Downloads: 4,659)

<b>[EXT. APP] WinSCP</b>

WinSCP is an open source free SFTP client and FTP client for Windows. Legacy SCP protocol is also supported. Its main function is safe copying of files between local and remote computers.

Attached Files
.vra   WinSCP.vra (Size: 9.54 KB / Downloads: 3,871)

<b>[EXT. APP] FileZilla FTP</b>

FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.

Attached Files
.vra   FileZilla.vra (Size: 6.64 KB / Downloads: 3,394)

<b>[EXT. APP] System Information</b>

A command line utility which shows the information of the machine like: name, type, uptime, installed patches, etc.
Included is one for the localhost and one that can be used to connect tot machines that are saved in your connections (the computers need to be in the same network)

Attached Files
.vra   SystemInfo.vra (Size: 2.93 KB / Downloads: 4,080)

<b>[EXT. APP] System Information + Arguments</b>

Thomas Hertwig Wrote:<b>[EXT. APP] System Information</b>

A command line utility which shows the information of the machine like: name, type, uptime, installed patches, etc.
Included is one for the localhost and one that can be used to connect tot machines that are saved in your connections (the computers need to be in the same network)

Thank you for this section Thomas!!

In systeminfo ExtApps you can also add arguments. Example:

/K systeminfo /s %computername% | find /i "System Up Time"
Example output:
System Up Time: <value>

or with a varible argument:

/K systeminfo /s %computername% | find /i "OS"
Example output:
Host Name: <value>
OS Name: <value>
OS Manufacturer: <value>
OS Configuration: <value>
OS Build Type: <value>
BIOS Version: <value>
How to configure these external apps. Is there a quick guide on how to do this?
andreasfc Wrote:How to configure these external apps. Is there a quick guide on how to do this?

For details how to configure please have a look at the first post in this thread or just refer to the vRD Online Help

<b>[EXT. APP] Customer Documentation</b>

Display name: Customer Documentation
File name: C:\Path\to\your\documentation\file.doc
Arguments: No needed, as Word (or your favoured texteditor) will automatically open if a .doc document is opened.
Wait for exit: NO
Try to integrate: NO

The reason behind this "external application" is that your customer documentation pops up after you dis-/connect to the server.
So that you don't forget to write down the changes :-)
<b>[EXT. APP Offer Remote Assistance</b>

Use "Offer Remote Assistance" to connect to a remote machine. Command line verified with Windows 7; should also support Vista.

Attached Files
.vra   Offer Remote Assistance.vra (Size: 1.69 KB / Downloads: 2,957)
<b>[EXT. APP] UNC connection</b>

<u>Ext. App Settings:</u>
File name: explorer
Arguments: %computername%
wait for exit: false
try to integrate: false

<u>Connection Settings:</u>
Computer name: \\host\share
Protocol: Ext. App (with the ext. app from above selected)

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator

WAIT...before downloading this, read this thread and decide if you really want it!

Attached Files
.vra   OMSA.vra (Size: 1.73 KB / Downloads: 2,618)
How do I load an external application? I tried to import a .vra file, but my option is greyed out. I have vRD.

Jeff Brown
jeff052861 Wrote:How do I load an external application? I tried to import a .vra file, but my option is greyed out. I have vRD.

Jeff Brown

Maybe you are using the freeware. There external apps are not available.

I have the same problem. Upgraded to version 2011. Running the licensed version but the import is grayed out for *.vre, csv and the important one *.vra.

Please advise what to do.

bjnvdb Wrote:I have the same problem. Upgraded to version 2011. Running the licensed version but the import is grayed out for *.vre, csv and the important one *.vra.

Please advise what to do.

I think in your case the focus in the tree view is on the credentials. Please try again after you switched the focus to external app.

Big Grin 
Thomas Hertwig Wrote:I think in your case the focus in the tree view is on the credentials. Please try again after you switched the focus to external app.

This did the trick. Thanx!
This is for connecting to ESX(i) 3.5...4.1 servers.

I initially had Vmware Infrastructure Client (installed from a ESX 3.5 server's web console) that I then upgraded to Vmware vSphere Client and it simply worked the same.

If you have issues or fixes, let me know.

Attached Files
.vra   VmwarevSphere.vra (Size: 2 KB / Downloads: 3,736)
ppanoisiv Wrote:This is for connecting to ESX(i) 3.5...4.1 servers.

I initially had Vmware Infrastructure Client (installed from a ESX 3.5 server's web console) that I then upgraded to Vmware vSphere Client and it simply worked the same.

If you have issues or fixes, let me know.

Two things. First, for 64-bit systems the path is wrong. It needs (x86) in the program files directory. Works great on 32-bit systems though. Second, the username field isn't being populated with the domain name when I configure the credentials. It just populates the user name and password, which fails. The username needs to contain the domain name if that's specified in the credentials.

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