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[FEATURE REQUEST] reconnect button in beta (G)

i get the reconnect button only in the context of the connection tab.
please put it on the symbol bar.

Connection errors are allways in forground and blocks mouse clicks on other obejcts.
In foreground ist not the problem but please make it unmodal.

I echo this feature request - the icon for reconnect was a useful one to have - having to right click the connection tab then choose reconnect is not the same.

Also in the quick connect window there is no Advanced Settings option, why has this been removed when it was useful?

nsert Wrote:Hi,

i get the reconnect button only in the context of the connection tab.
please put it on the symbol bar.

Connection errors are allways in forground and blocks mouse clicks on other obejcts.
In foreground ist not the problem but please make it unmodal.


I am bit confused what you mean, because the reconnect button is available in the context menu of the tab itself AND it is available in the additional toolbar.
Last one may be activated here:
Tools|Options|User specific|Layout|Position of additional toolbar for...

Thanks for pointing that step out, I did have a look round the options but couldnt see anything obvious to display the bar like before.

Thomas Hertwig Wrote:Hi,

I am bit confused what you mean, because the reconnect button is available in the context menu of the tab itself AND it is available in the additional toolbar.
Last one may be activated here:
Tools|Options|User specific|Layout|Position of additional toolbar for...

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