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[FEATURE REQUEST] Revert vRD 2010 R2 GUI to vRD 2010 option

I really liked the look of vRD 2010 when windows was running in High Contrast mode (alt+shift+PrintScreen). It's hard to find programs that are easy to use with diminished vision, and it would be a loss if vRD turned into such a program after being so great in this department. Would it be possible to have an option to switch the GUI back to the 2010 version look?

In vRD 2010R2 the Options dialog isn't really readable and the overview tab has defaulted to always white instead of following the high contrast mode and being black. The blue tint of vRD 2010R2 isn't to aggresive but the vDR 2010 color theme was just alot easier on the eyes.

I attached one screenshot of each version to illustrate the difference.

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