24-11-2010, 11:39 PM
It could be an idea to create an Alert Center or Alert View, where all the different errors and alerts (fx the connection errors that are displayed on modal popups today) are saved, so if you open many connections, you can get an overview of what connections failed and with what reason in one single place.
Today the Connection History doesn't show if a connection failed. If would be great if it did. And displayed them in another color - possible add a Filter function so you can display only Connection Errors etc. for better overview.
Would be nice to be able to select multiple failed connection attempts and click Connect to retry them (fx if the servers were offline while trying to connect in the first place).
Today the Connection History doesn't show if a connection failed. If would be great if it did. And displayed them in another color - possible add a Filter function so you can display only Connection Errors etc. for better overview.
Would be nice to be able to select multiple failed connection attempts and click Connect to retry them (fx if the servers were offline while trying to connect in the first place).