15-12-2010, 11:25 AM
It would be nice to be able to pin or lock individual tabs in a fixed tab-order position.
We would like fx the Overview tab to always be the first tab on the tab-bar.
And it would be very handy if other tabs, fx the most used connections/servers, always have the same position (fx. tab #2, #3 and #4).
Fx. in the Connection Properties - Display you could specify the tab-position and select if it should be locked or not.
And when rightclicking a tab you could also select whether to lock the tab-position or not.
We would like fx the Overview tab to always be the first tab on the tab-bar.
And it would be very handy if other tabs, fx the most used connections/servers, always have the same position (fx. tab #2, #3 and #4).
Fx. in the Connection Properties - Display you could specify the tab-position and select if it should be locked or not.
And when rightclicking a tab you could also select whether to lock the tab-position or not.