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Overview / Thumbnails refresh does not work

I have a few problems using RemoteDesktop App and multiple RDP connections.

Problem 1 :
After right clicking a few RDP connections (3 or 5 or 10), the initial 'overview screen' content (which should display updated thumbnails) does not display any content apart of the last desktop opened in the list. I need to manually click on a thumbnail to refresh it.
If I open 50 desktops at once, I do not want to have to click on every single desktop to refresh the thumbnails.
(the option Tools->Options->Connections->Improve speed of establishing connections (no initial thumbnail creation) is not checked, so it should display the thumbnails, but it is not)

Problem 2 :
When connecting to multiple desktops at once, it always displays each connection screen one by one, is there a way to stay on the 'overview screen' and connect/see them all without seeing the interface going into each RDP tab connection ?
(the option Tools->Options->Connections->Improve speed of establishing connections (no initial thumbnail creation) is not checked)

Problem 3 :
The option in Tools->Options->Connections->Polling Interval to refresh thumbnails does not have any effect.
Even if I put 2sec or 1mn or anything else, the thumbnails do not update automatically...(with any thumbnail selected size or any refresh interval)

Can you please help to solve these issues ?

I have version v7.2.3955.0
Sames issues with any desktop target (Win2003, Win2008, Win7)


Thumnails are actually a screenshot of the session when it is active - so if you open 10 at the same time, you have to refresh them to see it's content - you can do that in Overview => Connections-Menu => Refresh - then vRD steps through all tabs and refresh the overview thumbnails

Problem 2: No, not possible at the moment

Problem 3: Thumbnails can't be updated if the tab/window is not active
(23-01-2013, 10:53 AM)DevOma Wrote: Thumnails are actually a screenshot of the session when it is active - so if you open 10 at the same time, you have to refresh them to see it's content - you can do that in Overview => Connections-Menu => Refresh - then vRD steps through all tabs and refresh the overview thumbnails

Problem 2: No, not possible at the moment

Problem 3: Thumbnails can't be updated if the tab/window is not active

So you mean that to have the overview tab be updated we need to have all individual rdp sessions visible on the screen at the same time ? and because it need to 'catch the screenshot' it needs to go into each rdp ?

The idea of the 'overview' was to just have this main overview on screen and click on a thumbnail to go into a RDP connection when needed. Not a problem to have all tabs opened, but it would be good to be able to stay on the 'overview' tab and have a live thumbnail panel view.

Is there a way in the next update/patch to improve it to make the 'overview' tab live, like in the following Microsoft RDCManager tool :

Description :

Download :

This would make vRD 'overview functionnality' more usable.

It will add it to the feature list - thanks for the links
(23-01-2013, 12:08 PM)DevOma Wrote: It will add it to the feature list - thanks for the links

The idea would be, maybe, that you keep a single instance of a RDP connection which can be seen in 2 ways :
- either from the overview (live thumbnail size like RDCMan)
- either from a tab (like you do now in current vRD)
- not both

Single instance because

Anyway with Windows clients (no terminal server), you can only have one RDP session to the same Guest OS, a new one would disconnect the other (in vRD, overview would disconnect the tab and vice-versa)

So no need to screenshot one to display the other, the single instance would be alsways the one beeing seen (tab view or live thumbnail in overview mode)

It would be also nice to add the ability to right-click multiple desktops or group and choose 'Connect in Overview', and no tab would be displayed in this case, just the overview tab. Clicking a thumbnail from this overview would add the corresponding tab, focus to it, and remove the thumbnail from the overview.

Looking forward for the next vRD update with these features :-)

Happy New Year 2013 !


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