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ASG-RD 2014 - RC3
Hi all,

we still are fixing known issues and issues we get from RC1 / RC2 users. Now we provide Release Candiate 3 (RC3).

This version will be supported by this forum - upgrade to final RTM version will be supported if possible (if data is getting corrupt during RC we can't guarantee to fix it).

The following ReleaseNotes describes the known (main) issues - we try to fix all the issues as soon as possible.

If you want to migrate your data from 2012 version you can do inside a new environment in 2014 - so you could not connect to an old environment (as in the past) - you need to create a new environment and select "Environment=>Upgrade from 2012".

ASG-RD 2014 RC3
ASG-RD 2014 RC3 (incl. SQL Express)

For any feedback please use this sub forum.

For users with running RC1 version

If you are using local file environments and use "Standard Password" or "Username/Password" you may delete your environment and migrate again in a new local file environment. All other environment types (incl. database) only have to update the binaries.

For users with running RC1 version

Please follow the instructions of RC2 first before running RC3
Okay, there is something still wrong with permissions, i (Admin) can´t delete folders.
when i check what version iam running it still says RC1

So please fix this, if iam admin i should be able to delete folders.

// Kristoffer


When i start a sync via Active directory it crashes
Ok, you can log in now - but you do not have full permissions...

Is there something else you are not allowed to? Or only deleting folders? For all folders? Or only for some?
And for the AD sync - do you have a stacktrace for me - see "error messages" and double click the list entry or have a look into the application event log...
Ok, Ad sync is fixed - fixed another issue and did not test all sync's after that...
Ok permissions seems to work, cached somehow deleted my user and loged in again, now it works

The error i get in appl log when sync is:

Felet uppstod i programmet med namn: ASGRD.exe, version 8.0.4651.0, tidsstämpel 0x54254a50
, felet uppstod i modulen med namn: d3d10_1.dll_unloaded, version, tidsstämpel 0x50f30f9f
Undantagskod: 0xc00000fd
Felförskjutning: 0x04e2be78
Process-ID: 0x3b6c
Programmets starttid: 0x01cfdbb8fe185e2a
Sökväg till program: C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2014\ASGRD.exe
Sökväg till modul: d3d10_1.dll
Rapport-ID: 56fa0a84-47df-11e4-9ff0-b8ca3abc2cd2

Btw no error log in Vrrd when it crashed only on computer event log
Binaries are uploaded - with fixed sync :-)
Sync is now working, question! Didnt you say that there was going to be a Schedule sync in this new version?


Check flr updates no longer working, worked Before in the other RC´s
Didnt do much but a window apperaed telling you that your version was newer.

Now nothing happens.

// Kristoffer
Hi, I have installed the lastest RC3 I would like to register it but I can only find 2012 license, Sales have told me If you buy Remote Desktop 2012 now you’re eligible to upgrade to the new version for free. My question would be will the 2012 key work for 2014 now?
When trying to migrate from 2012 to 2014 it fails to migrate. Says Upgrade failed with errors.
File=>File or Database=>Database?

No details (Details-Button)? Perhaps in application event log?
In the current release the Delete option is not available for machines - is that be design? Is there an option flag that needs to be thrown?
I think you are using database mode? Active permissions? Do you have permissions to delete?
I am in DB mode and yes - I am an admin in the application and a DB Owner/SysAdmin in SQL. Never been an issue until RC3. I can add/modify until my heart is content, just not delete.
I will check it...(never seen before)
I checked again - and there are only 3 switches which disable "Delete"

- No permissions to delete
- Active dock window is not "Navigation"
- Action like "Delete" is running

I think I will add something to show the current assigned security groups to ensure everythings works as it is configured...

Is the problem always active? All connections? But only connections? Or same problem on folders, ext apps, credentials?
One more question - do you have the navigation docked to the main window or do you use it undocked? That (undocked usage) could cause the problem...
Docking is the issue - sorry for the late reply. So I do not have navigation pinned normally as I want to use my monitor to see the remote servers so it wraps back up. As soon as I PIN the navigation frame, delete becomes available - a real bug. Smile

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