I have installed ASGRD 2015 into a new database and i can start the application.
How ever when i attempt to upgrade my existing 2012 installation (A DB copy), i recieve the following error during the "upgrade error log data" phase:
Migration Aborted
at upgraderhelper2012.upgrade.start()
at upgradehelper2012.migrationwizard.backgroundworkerexceute_Dowork(Object sender,.....
Is it possible that you send me your old database as a backup file? For friday Patch3 is planned and I would like to find this issue before - please send to asg.rd@asg.com - and please add a link to this thread - if it is too big to send perhaps you can upload to a cloud drive and send me only the link
Backup your old database with MSSQL Management Studio and tell me the version of SQL Server you are using...
04-02-2015, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2015, 05:01 PM by kpg@computercamp.dk.)
according to SQL the log is 1mb, but the Database file its self is 2,5GB
The log you mention, is this within ASGRD 2012
Update, i just looked in log options and set limitations, but i dont see this has effected the Database size as of yet.
How long before it deletes the old log data, in my opinion there should be default log limitation set =)