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Export/import connections with command line
Hi Smile

First of all I want to say I love the product. And sorry if this question have been asked before, tried searching both the help and the forum without finding anything spesific.
We are using ASG-RD 2015 patch 5.

Currently working on setting up an integration/sync beetween an external cmdb and ASG.

Is it possible to get the .csv connection export command based?

I have been able to sync connections into ASG with these kind of commands:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2015\ASGRD.exe" /syncaction:CSV /syncid:770bd7d3-1b61-44d0-bf2e-5c512135149a "/syncoutput:c:\temp\sync.txt" "/instance:ASG RDP" /loginintegrated:true /loginsubmit

But I am unable to find a way to export the connection .csv file in a similar way.
Is it possible to get this kind of export done automatically or by command line (so we can schedule a job for it)? Ideally get some kind of "copy to clipboard" function for it, but the possibility and just some info in help would be enough Smile

[Image: exportasg.jpg]

The reason for us needed it is to have minimum the ConnectionName and FolderName exported. So we can import the FolderName information into the external cmdb. That way we have all we need in the external cmdb to have a daily sync using the ASGRD.exe" /syncaction:CSV.

Ideally we wold also like to import only new objects more "live" by automating the import process. But can't seem to find any command line for .csv import either.

Would this kind of import be able to automate? Perhaps by a scheduled command line?

[Image: importasg.jpg]
Both requests are noticed and I think both will be available with the next patch :-)
Great, thanks for the quick reply Smile We will make a daily manual operation then until the function for automating this arrives in a future patch Smile
(19-03-2015, 10:27 AM)DevOma Wrote: Both requests are noticed and I think both will be available with the next patch :-)

Hi Oliver Smile

Do you know more now? Will this feature be included in the next patch, and if yes, are there any ETA on the patch date?

Wanting to start our work with the fully updated/synced version beetween our CMDB and ASG-RD. But ideally I will wait with that work until I know how the command based export/import will work as the sync will require us export the folder path for objects in ASG-RD.

And optimally I want to use the command based import to bring in new objects, and the current sync command to update info/clean old objects.
Implementation is done - currently QA is in progress - the patch should be available this week
(27-04-2015, 09:40 AM)DevOma Wrote: Implementation is done - currently QA is in progress - the patch should be available this week

Great :D And thanks for the quick reply. We look forward to test it out Smile

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