24-03-2015, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 24-03-2015, 09:47 PM by timtrace.)
Greetings, I'm wanting to sync a folder to a particular AD OU, and a second folder to an OU in another AD. But I can only see the AD sync options in the "Connections" object at the top of the navigation tree.
Is it possible to configure my environment with different folders connecting to different ADs? If so, where have I gone wrong?
By design you need to specify "Roles" on each object (else they will be inherited from parent object) - goto any folder, select Roles on the left side and add Sync - Active Directory - then you will get the node in tree viuew for that - and there you can specify the properties for AD sync...
The second screenshot is from a folder which should be alreday synced - so please create a new folder, add the role again and switch to AD-Sync - there you can specify your information to sync again the AD - after sync all sub objects will also have AD-Sync category and show there the Identifier from the AD-object...
If you want to have 2 sync objects they can't be in a parent-child-relation - try to have them on the same object level...
The AD-Info object is only displayed under any synced folder - so try to create a new folder where the parent folder is not synced - perhaps on root - then add the role again...
31-03-2015, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 31-03-2015, 04:59 PM by timtrace.)
I created a new folder directly under "connections." I ticked every checkbox in "roles." I saved the folder, then right-clicked it and selected properties. I could not find any options for connecting to AD (only AD-Info).
HOWEVER -- If I create a new connection file and follow these steps, AD-General appears for "parent" folders.
Update: I've just sent DevOma a link to d/l my production connections file as I suspect corruption.
Ok - should be quiet easy to solve - goto "Connections" - remove role "Active Directory". Create a new folder for example "Root AD" - add there the Active Directory role - move all your synced folders under the new created folder... then everything should work as expected - but again, please use for sync different folders (not inside a parent-child-relation)...
22-04-2015, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 22-04-2015, 06:08 PM by timtrace.)
Thank you, that worked.
In my experience, it would be helpful if the sync properties could be attached to any folder at any location in the tree. For example, when setting up an import of computer objects from multiple child domains under a forest. I'd prefer for these to be placed in subfolders within the ASGRD connection tree instead of at the root level.
Why should it not be possible? You can define as many sync folders as you want - but never try use a synced folder for another sync definition - just add the Role to your folders where you want to sync and add the properties
I hear you, Oliver - but it seems that in the example above, the subfolders only show "Active Directory Info," even if I break inheritance.
Let me try to verbalize the situation. First, create a folder and add the AD sync role to it. Then inside that folder create a sub-folder to represent a child domain. Add the AD Sync role to the sub folder. When I do this, I only see "Active Directory Info," when what I want to see is "Active Directory General."
Yes, ok - but then one object could come from 2 different sources - and that make it more complex, because every object would need the identifier from which source folder it was synced - I can add it as a feature request, but I can't give you a timeline for implementation