ASG-RD 2015 - Patch8
Patch8 of ASG-RD 2015 is available.

If you have already installed any ASG-RD 2015 version you need to close your application and then install the Patch8 version. You don't need to uninstall your old version.

For Upgrade-Users (from version 2012):
If you want to migrate your data from 2012 version you can do inside a new environment in 2015 - so you could not connect to an old environment (as in the past) - you need to create a new environment and select "Environment=>Upgrade from 2012".

ASG-RD 2015 Patch8

For any feedback you can use this sub forum or the main forum of ASG-RD.

The following ReleaseNotes describes the fixed issues and new features.

- RDP-PlugIns - On x64 systems the registry key of the 64-bit hive will also be read (instead of only the Wow6432Node node)
- SubWindows in HTTP connections are loading the content correctly
- When items got a 'delete' icon from sync this icon will change back to default icon if the items exists in another sync run
- In automated export via command line there was a column 'FolderId' included in the output file which is removed now (because it is not used)
- The variable '%ExtAppPort%' will be replaced correctly when using in ExtApp. parameter list
- VMware-Sync in mode 'VMs and Templates' the IP- and MAC-Address is set correctly now
- Items that have no permission for 'Edit' can't be moved anymore

New features/enhancements
- New 'Favorites' toolbar button
- Add 'Favorites' to systray context menu
- Search box for navigation - Visibility is configurable in Settings=>Layout
- New optional filter field for credentials - Connection-/Folder properties=>Assigned credentials
- ReleaseNotes History available via menu
- Integrated new version of VNC control
- Integrated new version of ICA control - at least Citrix Receiver 4.x (Citrix client 14.x) is necessary
- Integrated new version of Putty (0.65)

Attached Files
.html   ReleaseNotes_DE.html (Size: 1.58 KB / Downloads: 26)
.html   ReleaseNotes_EN.html (Size: 1.56 KB / Downloads: 57)

I'm currently using ASG-RD 2015 Patch 7.
I get the attached warning/information when I open ASG-RD.
Shouldn't I be able to upgrade, when running Patch 7, or is it a new license patch 8?

Regards Lars

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
How long is your maintenance valid? Patch7 and Patch8 should have the same Publishing Date - but normally the publishing date must be inside your maintenance period
If I remember correctly, it ended 31/12-2014

Regards Lars
What is the publishing date of this version, and 7 for that matter?

June 01 - 2015

Just cheked my "About"
I'm currently running 8.0.4916.1 Isn't that Patch 7?
The License installed when looking at ASG About, I can see my subscription enden December 31, 2013.
But I do have another license file with end date December 31, 2014.
But I can't import it, it tells me that because my maintanance period is over I can't import.
Ok, seems to be a bug in the license check on file environments :-) That you can't import a license that is not valid anymore is correct - that the program starts without any error message is a bug :-)
Okay Smile Just be be sure, what you are saying is that it's a bug that I can use patch 7?
But I'm using a SQL database environment.
Then I have to check that too :-)

Recently I bought again a new year of subscription of this great tool for me and my colleagues!

A have a feature request: Often my colleagues and I have more connections opened then tabs that fit in my screen, so we have to use the forward and back arrows to move to other opened tabs. Can you make a button at the end of the tabs-row to pull-down all connections (tabs) outside my screen?

Like Chrome and IE works with the Favorite/Bookmarks bar?

Would be great!
I will add it to the feature list...
1. Sporadically, the quick connect dialog is coming up with the "connect" button selected. Not strictly tied to when you tabbed focus to the connect button on previous use. The problem with this is that if I hit the quick connect toolbar button, the dialog appears with the cursor in the computer field, but the focus on the Connect button. If I type a C as the first letter of the computer name, it immediately tries to connect with the incomplete hostname. Very irritating. This seems to be new behavior on 2015, we were on 2012 before.

2. There's a hard tab stop on the connect button. Normal behavior on input panels is to let you continuously cycle through fields with tab, repeating from the top when you get to the end. You can of course go backward with shift tab, but it's often more convenient to simply tab back around if you miss your field. It's probably a simple checkbox in the IDE, so putting this on a todo list would be welcome.
Dear Developers,
I have just installed the Patch8.
I have an issue with the right click button on keyboard.
This was already reported in Patch5 thread.

Is there any progress on this issue?
Thanks for reply.
BR Tom
We do not have a solution for that issue - but we still try to fix it...
Just updated to Patch8 after a 6month downtime.
Now when launching via a Citrix published app the app won't start.
If i remove all the cmd switches to enable auto login it will start, but we don't want to display the environment manager to the users. Here's the full cmd line I'm using "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2015\ASGRD.exe" /instance:ASGRD2015_Test /loginsubmit /loginintegrated:true /noenv.
This is in database mode in a domain environment.
We had a similar problem with patch 4 in this thread.
The last post in Patch4 thread was

--Working Now--
I can happily say that after installing Patch4, the app launches via citrix published app and connects to the db instance and logs in ok now.
Our cmd line is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2015\ASGRD.exe" /noenv /loginsubmit /instance:ASGRD2015 /loginintegrated:true
Great work..

And now the Problem is back again? Can't believe, wen didn't change the Login methods...
I know, go figure. Altho I never used Patches 5-7. I even redid a patch4 install to verify. But couldn't get that to run either. Now totally confused.
The only difference from the server point of view was that it was a rebuild. We were testing our restore proceedures and had some trouble. Hence why I haven't looked at this since Patch4.
In the Published App I have done the following...
If I have no cmdline switches then the app launches with the env manager ok.
If use the /instance switch then I get the environment manager display ok.
If I use the /instance with /noenv then the env manager comes up but the connect button is greyed out.
If I use the /instance with /loginsubmit then the app doesn't display. Maybe something with the login.
From the a cmd line directly on the citrix server console it launches properly with the /instance /loginsubmit /noenv.
So must be something with the login/connection to the database
Is there any logging I can look at when launching via a published app?
After doing some more in depth testing today, I think I have found what the problem is. (Profiles)
What we need to do is auto connect and log the user into the environment. Not display them the env manager or the login screen.
So, we use the /instance /noenv /loginsubmit /passthrough:true switches
If you have never connected to the database before (ie new user) then using the /loginsubmit switch will always fail as your profile.xml
is not created untill after you have connected to an environment via the environment manager.
So, if you then remove the /loginsubmit switch but still have the /noenv switch, then the user will get the env manager but the connect button is now greyed out, so still can't connect.
So have to remove the /noenv as well. This then allows the user to connect to the environment, creating his profile.xml file. They then get the login screen and can connect manually to the environment.
But we don't want to display the env manager nor the login screen to the users. We want to automatically connect and login.

Same thing happens if there are 2 or more environments on a server.
If you have connected to an env before, and don't use the /instance switch but do have the /loginsubmit switch then your profile.xml has the last connected env and so you will connect without getting either the env manager nor the login windows.
But we need to specify the /instance when there are mutlitpe env on a server. In this case using /instance switch the app won't connect. What you have to do in this case is remove the /loginsubmit switch, which then brings up the environment manager, even tho you have specified the environment to use.
But as the /noenv switch is used you still can't select as the connect button as is greyed out.
So we have to again remove the /noenv & /instance switch to allow the user to change environments.
But we don't want to do this as we want to auto connect and login as defined by the cmdline switches.
It must be somethig to do with xml profiles etc.
So I don't think it ever worked properly, as when I was testing earlier with patch4, I was creating the environments on the server console and connecting locally. Then testing the published app using my credentials. Which meant once I had the right stuff in my profile then the published app would work properly. What I never tested was a completely new user.
It works differently to 2012. As in 2012 we can specify the cmdline switches /instance, /noenv and /passthrough to automatically connect and login even tho the user has never connected before and don't have any xml profiles, which doesn't happen in 2105.
The reason there are multiple environments is for customer seperation and security purposes. The published apps have different cmdline /instance switches to connect to the apprpriate customer enviroment. Some servers need to have upto 6 environments.
Remember this is all via a Citrix published app and not directly on the server desktop.
Hope I have explained myself well enough.
Sean.. Smile
Ok a lot of Details :-)

First - to ensure that all users on your Citrix Server have the same Environments ensure that you have checked "Store Environment Profile for all users" Checkbox - this will write the Environments data to "AllUsers"-Profile - but I think you have done this

I suggest that it is really a Problem when the user has no existing Profile - didn't test that - but I will do today and hope there I can find the issue - will be back to you after checked that...

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