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Issues with only some users installing 2015
Hi there.

I've got a strange issue here. My team was all working on ASGRD 2012, and we have started to upgrade to 2015. Most of us are fine, but we have 3 users who all have the same issue when connecting to the database during the install. They have tried both Update 8 and 9, same issue. It happens both when they try to test the connection, or if they just go ahead without testing it. I have ensured that the connection information is the same. I've attached the screenshot. Please advise what might be wrong!


Wow - never seen this error before - found some articles that try to solve those issues
None of those helped, but it looks like an update to .Net Framework 4.5.2 did. It's strange because the working machines didn't have it either. Oh well, it's working now Smile

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