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Fresh install - database not found

I've installed ASG RD 2015 on a new server with SQL EXpress database. I can logon to ASGRD on that server without any problem. I've enabled TCP/IP access to the database, added the AD users that need to access the application, confgured the correct settigns in ASGRD but when I try to logon from my PC I get the error:
Connection check failed, the database ASGRD doesn't exist, validate database name
Any Firewall Settings? Correct Login Settings?
On the server the firewall is off, on my laptop it is on but configured to allow everything (and everything works except ASG RD)
My account is configured in ASGRD as administrator so should be the issue.
Pass thru authentication is enabled, Activate user permissions, Assign permissions to local account also have been checked
It's not the application - the error message is that the database is not found - that means that you typed the database name not correctly or the database Provider can't connect to the instance (but then normally another error message appears)

Check the Name - perhaps you configured to use "Case sensitive"? Did you try the "Test Connection"? Or try from your PC to create a second db on your server? Check the error Messages...
created a new databse from my laptop on the server and now it works. Will test connectivity for another user to confirm this issue has been resolved
I have created a new database on the server using the ASG RD client on my laptop. All is working fine for me now. However after adding the required users from AD, these users cannot connect to the database, same error as I had: databse not found

How can I resolve this, it's getting annoying now!
How did you Setup the database? With Access for integrated users or with Username/Pwd? If Username/Pwd you should ensure that the database Server is running in mixed mode...

It must be something that is preventing to connect to the database - Network, Firewall, ... perhaps wrong instance Name?
The acces is setup with integrated users (using the setup wizard). The connection the user is trying to make is the same as my configured connection, same type of laptop so same policies regarding firewall.
What are the correct settings for the database (as my domain account seems to be the only one having access)

OK, found a reather obscure section in the help for setting the security in the database, this solved the issue. However coming from version 2012 I find it strange that I have to manually have to configure these settings
2015 needs a fresh installed database - and we can't configure security settings for Domain Groups automatically

But nice to hear that your problem is solved

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