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ASGRD 2015 Environment (SQL) Help
Hi, hopefully this will be a simple question to answer.

I have recently purchased ASGRD 2015 & wish to set-up a mutli user environment to use & administer connections with. We have never used, or installed any other version of ASGRD. This is the second time we have attempted to use the environment (with a clean attempt the second time).

The following has been completed as part of the installation/creation of the ‘environment’

• Software installed on multiple user desktops (licenced of course!)
• SQL database created through the environment wizard
• Activated the environmental permissions & ticked the following boxes … Activate User Permissions | Assign permissions to local account allowed | Show root items for all users
• Under tools & security groups added in an Active directory security group containing the members of the team who will be administering the product i.e. domain\security group. I am also listed as a user separately, though reluctant to take myself out, due to the problem’s I am having with the software.

When another team member attempt’s to connect to the database after setting up the environment onto their system, they get an error :

Connection could not be established – A connection to your current environment could not be established. Please select another one.

Any ideas?

If Connection could not established it's an error from SQL Server - perhaps your users have not the permission to connect to the SQL Server or to the specified database - in help file is described which permissions are needed - for a first try you should give your users dbowner rights and see if it is working...
(10-11-2015, 12:34 PM)DevOma Wrote: If Connection could not established it's an error from SQL Server - perhaps your users have not the permission to connect to the SQL Server or to the specified database - in help file is described which permissions are needed - for a first try you should give your users dbowner rights and see if it is working...

Ok, so we have followed the help guide and added the security group into SQL as a 'user'.

The group has the following permissions:

Server - User Mappings - db_owner & Public

Database - Connect, Execute and Select.

Our user gets the error (when trying to set-up the environment) - Connection check failed - The database 'visionapp' does not exist. Vaildate the database name. <<< the DB clearly does exist & we have copied the name from SQL to the environment manager.

What are we doing wrong as it cant be this difficult to set-up & connect ot the DB... ?

Did you try to give your user "dbowner" rights? Is that working?
Hi, yes to db_owner, no it doesnt work. Sad
Then the users can't connect to the SQL instance - or they use a wrong Name (because the error message suggests that they can connect to SQL Server but not to the database)

Can you try add a new database with one of your users? Or do you have Firewall Settings that prevent a connection to the database server?
I added a single user into SQL & gave them the same permissions as per the AD group.

He can now connect to the environment, but now gets the following error :

The used account has no permissions to start the program. Please contact your administrator.

I added the user in separately, so he now has SQL permissions (as a single user) & also ASGRD Admin permissions (as a single user).

This WORKS and he gets into the environment, however no connections show at all - any ideas on this one?

Are there any firewall ports that need opening? We are sat behind a lot of firewalls & though I have opened 1433 is there anything else?

I'm not a Network specialist - Port 1433 should be ok - and if the user now can connect it is not Network related...

If you activate permissions in ASG-RD of couse your user must be assigned to any Security Group - if not to Administrators you need to create first Groups, assign user to it and then you Need to assign permissions on object Level - so goto Connections => Properties => Permissions - there you have to assign the permissions you want to give your users/Groups - you can specify permissions on every object Level - if not the values from parent will be inherited...
I can’t seem to find the option Connections > Properties > Permissions.

However why didn’t the active directory group work? Is the case that I need to add every individual into the SQL server each time I want them to access the software? As this would be very frustrating! That too of ASGRD.

The user in question is an administrator too, though still has no connections when he manages to log in.

It 'appears' that he might be able to import the connections, but wouldn’t this defeat the object of using SQL?
AD-Groups assigned in SQL instance should work too - but this is Microsoft SQL Server, not ASG-RD...

In Navigation window you have 4 root items - one is "Connections" - right? Select and right click - choose Properties => then in the Properties Dialog choose "Security" (sorry, Permissions was wrong)

You also can create "Public" or "Private" objects - only "Public" objects can be ead by all users (if they habe the permission to do so) - private objects are only private :-)

We have a lot of customers who are working with SQL - AD-Groups should work!
Sorry, I see connections, silly me, it’s got 'Administrator's, which he is a member of, as the default permission set.
Navigation - WINDOW - there are the Connections, the treeview with your objects... if you have closed it you can reopen by Administration=>Navigation
Got that, as above, its set to Administrators, which he is a member of....
So what is the actual Problem - your second user can't see object created from first one?

Can you create a new Folder - check that in General Settings (of Folder) it is set to "Public" - then start with your second user - can he see that Folder?
He coudlnt see any connections at all.

Ill try it with a fresh install/test user & post back.
Did you create some Connections/Folders/...? Seems to be an empty database (like it is if you start using the Software)...
user in db most have execute rights

(10-11-2015, 03:43 PM)MorryBobs Wrote: I can’t seem to find the option Connections > Properties > Permissions.

However why didn’t the active directory group work? Is the case that I need to add every individual into the SQL server each time I want them to access the software? As this would be very frustrating! That too of ASGRD.

The user in question is an administrator too, though still has no connections when he manages to log in.

It 'appears' that he might be able to import the connections, but wouldn’t this defeat the object of using SQL?

YES the AD Group needs to have permission on DB aswell.

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