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Make all connections public
I'm using ASG remote desktop with one other ADMIN so we can share RDP and SSH connections. We want to be able to both see each other's new connections as they are created. Is there some way to set ALL connections to public as well as all new connections to public?
I couldn't figure out a way to do this in the GUI, however since we're using a centralized shared MS SQL database what I did was open up SQL Server Management Studio, connected to the database and then ran this SQL command:

SELECT ItemId, ParentItemId, UserId, NodeTypeId, Text, Description, ImageId, ExternalId, Private
FROM Items
WHERE (Private = 'True')

That will provide you with a list of items that are private. You can then find them in ASG remote desktop, right click on each one and go to properties and set it to public. I hope there's a better way to do this through the GUI as if I'd had hundreds of connections set it would have been painful to adjust each and every connection but since I only had a handful to adjust it was relatively painless.

Hopefully this helps someone else.


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