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Create folder and connection links??
I remember it being a suggestion for an earlier versions and I thought that I had seen it implemented but I can't find it, so maybe I have been dreaming Smile

Is it - or will it be - possible to create folder and connections links/shortcuts?

I.e. have two folder where the one folder contains links to certain folders and connections in the other folder, so they only need to be maintained in one folder, but are available it multiple folders?

I just found the old suggestion:

Will it be possible to create shortcuts in the navigation pane to connections and folders?

Suggestion from 2011 =

right now there is only the option to use the "Favorites" folder as a root for links(shortcuts) to objects, that you can organize in folders. But you can't drag folders into the favorites section right now. They must be created manually. I don't know if there is an active thread in the "Feature Request" area but maybe it makes sense to add a new thread there since the linked thread is from 2011 and ASG-RD has been reworked a lot from the technological perspective.

Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --
We can think about "extending favorites" to some generic link items - I will add it to the actual feature list

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